Mar 28, 2023
This week, Melissa walks you through Mastery Group’s strategic planning retreat framework. Melissa’s training for facilitating business planning meetings was rigorous, and this was the foundation that she built Mastery Group’s framework upon, plus lots of new research, experimentation, and skills developed...
Mar 21, 2023
Elizabeth King said, “Process saves us from the poverty of our intentions.” Getting sidelined, busy, or otherwise forgetting about the things you said you were committed to is something everyone falls prey to at some point in the pursuit of a goal.
Making a great plan is about remaining as intentional as possible...
Mar 14, 2023
Team dynamics and leadership expert Tara Gronhovd is back to dig into even more aspects of leadership and the challenges you might be facing. Melissa and Tara are specifically diving into the idea that leaders often feel the need to have it all figured out before leading and making decisions, which begs the question:...
Mar 7, 2023
Melissa hears from many clients who say, “I switched to flat-fee packages because I got sick of tracking time.” If the notion of tracking time for a case or matter is bringing up a lot of drama and you find yourself dragging your feet, you’re in the right place.
This week, Melissa walks you through the process...