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The Law Firm Owner Podcast

May 25, 2021

Continuous improvement for the sake of improvement is not always necessarily the right call. Instead of always thinking in terms of tweaks and changes, think instead in terms of transformation. What in your firm needs to be not just tweaked and changed, but transformed? What needs to be reinvented? Listen in for more. 

May 18, 2021

When working with a team, clear communication is necessary to make headway on your goals. This week, Melissa shares insights on how to make specific requests with clear deadlines, as well as effective promises that inspire action.

Watch our most recent Masterclass:

May 11, 2021

This week concludes the lessons learned from the April Sprinters. Melissa talks about honoring your plan and how you can make every plan a moment of truth and an opportunity to create positive impressions.

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May 4, 2021

Back by Popular demand, this week is about Lessons Learned from the April Sprint! Melissa will be talking about aiming, and planning. This will include how having goals that we are focused on gives us something to look forward to each and every morning. Listen in for more.

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