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The Law Firm Owner Podcast

Aug 27, 2019

Productivity requires much more than a to-do list. And tips aren't going to help you if you're not already pretty productive. It's deeper than that. On this episode, Melissa digs into five concepts that you can implement starting this week in order to save time and get more done.

Links from episode:

  • “Power Hour”...

Aug 20, 2019

You need to have a solid understanding of how much money you have and where it's going. From there, you can be very intentional about the adjustments you want (or need) to make. Listen to this episode to hear what principles from the Profit First methodology are most important for Melissa and her clients and how to be...

Aug 13, 2019

How you view success and how you approach it matters. Listen in to learn what many attorneys leave in the dust in an effort to achieve their goals.

Links and Resources from this episode:

Aug 8, 2019

Melissa shares her professional background, passion for helping owner-attorneys, and the ultimate purpose of this podcast.

Links and Resources from this episode: