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The Law Firm Owner Podcast

Feb 25, 2020

In this week's episode, Melissa interviews attorney, business-owner, and soon-to-be author, Jordan Ostroff. Melissa and Jordan talk about creating a healthy work environment, the power of networking and referrals, and "writing the book only you can write."

Learn more about Jordan...

Feb 18, 2020

Melissa and Emily discuss the importance of understanding what your customer/client REALLY needs, knowing how your strengths can also be your weaknesses, and how to combat that.

Get to know Emily more here!

Mentioned in this episode:

  1. The Lean Startup
  2. Steve Blank on Starting Greatness with Mike Maples,...

Feb 11, 2020

Melissa and Damon talk about his journey from law school to running a multi-office firm, the advantages of growth, and the benefits of a competitive personality.

Learn more about Damon here!

Feb 4, 2020

Melissa and financial expert Chelsea Williams discuss financial clarity, money-myths, the importance of "getting your house in order", and their shared passion of working closely with lawyers.

  1. Learn more about Chelsea and her group, Core Solutions, here.
  2. Learn more money myths by following Core Solutions on Instagram:...