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The Law Firm Owner Podcast

Apr 25, 2023

To close out this series, Melissa is sharing more common obstacles that you might face as you work towards the things you care about so you can overcome or even eliminate them ahead of time. She lays out the common barriers to consistency that you want to anticipate. From external circumstances that stray you...

Apr 18, 2023

When you’re working towards a goal, consistency matters. However, something many people get tripped up on is the idea of perfect consistency and executing a plan perfectly. Perfectionism is a spectrum, and most of us fall somewhere on it, including Melissa. It’s learning to value progress over perfection that really...

Apr 11, 2023

If you find yourself trying to reach three rungs ahead of yourself on the ladder of building your business instead of taking everything step by step this episode is for you. Today’s show is all about setting the foundation so you are clear on the move that will bridge you to the next level of success. This is a vital...

Apr 4, 2023

Melissa is kicking off a brand new series on the topic of consistency. Whether you’re working on the growth of your business, or you want to begin making headway on something in your personal life, consistency is key. She’s laying the groundwork for what really goes into showing up consistently.


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